Defensive Driving Techniques & Methods

Defensive Driving Techniques & Methods

Sass9 Team

Here at we touch all the tangents of your security with details, here we would like to share one of the most important lessons that we teach our guards before they enter into to the arena. This lesson is about “Fight or flight.” Combating is not an answer all the times, sometimes you are required to take a flight to the safety zone and then wait for the things to become normal. 

Defensive driving techniques and methods are required for this “flight” module of combating art. Right from the formation of the motorcades to the simple driving skills where our guards can anticipate the moves of other vehicles if they are planning a motor crash. Defensive driving techniques are necessary these days for most of the drivers, here we have a special manual ready for it. 

This special manual is quite handy in emergencies and has the power to bail you out from an emergency with great ease. In the coming future, we are also planning to conduct a soft training of defensive driving techniques for regular chauffeurs and other drivers. It is a part of the curriculum for all our guards and now we wish to impart the same training to VIP chauffeurs and other members of VIP motorcades.